Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Parenting Model Metaphor Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Parenting Model Metaphor - Assignment slipParents must be strong, patient and flexible travelers who would adjust to the situation given to them. Later towards the end of the journey, the parents would foregather in their golden years what kind of travelers they were.There is no course or learning architectural plan for people who would be parents one day that is why it is difficult to assume the role. It is a wonderful back yet quite fearful since many unexpected topics can happen along the way. The important thing is to be prepared that is why married couples planning to have youngsterren must be able to come down their individual differences and adjust to each other before having a child. Each parent have diametrical family background and experiences unless they share similar cohort ( classmates, next-door neighbors, childhood sweethearts) whose lives have been fused by their growing up experiences( Chapter 12). Nevertheless, they have their own individuality that would hi ghly influence their decisions as they have witnessed and experienced from their collective efficacy.In short, the travelers backpack is already filled with their individuality that would soon come out along the journey of parenting. As they pull-out from their bags their own experiences to deal with situations (i.e. my mother taught me that the best way to cure fever..) their child would absorb from them such ideas and experiences too. A bag filled with bitter, resentful, and painful life experiences would make the journey lumbering for the parent unless he/ she use them to teach lifes lessons and give hope to their children.The travelers also need to bring with them food on the journey to nourish their children with. These food are the family rituals, celebration, traditions and mapping which according to Friesen helps families establish habits that can help them succeed and connect on a regular basis. The familiarity of tell activities and

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